Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Historical Fiction versus Information Text

As I stated in an earlier post, I read a historical fiction book about slavery, Future Slave. I also read several informational books about slavery. The historical fiction book was very close to how the informational books described the times. I think as long as the HF book is accurate, that is an excellent way to connect students' interest to informational text. As I read historical fiction, I often wonder if certain events are true. I find myself looking up this information in informational text. I know if I make this connection, so will some students. As a media specialist it's important to help the students who do not automatically make that connection.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea for modeling research. My nitpicking with historical fiction has to do with language (be it spoken or the character's thoughts). So often, I think the author brings modern language and psychology to bygone eras...
